Jeffrey Rose believes eating well, exercising for physical health and getting proper sleep for mental health, are all important parts of leading your new, richly rewarding life. New York Nutritionist, Jeffrey practices what he preaches and he preaches what he practices. His passion for promoting healthy living makes him one of the most valuable health and wellness coaches offering nutritional coaching you can find.
Jeffrey Rose believes eating well, exercising for physical health and getting proper sleep for mental health, are all important parts of leading your new, richly rewarding life.
New York Nutritionist, Jeffrey practices what he preaches and he preaches what he practices. His passion for promoting healthy living makes him one of the most valuable health and wellness coaches offering nutritional coaching you can find.
Nutritional Counseling
Nutritional Counseling by Jeffrey Rose will put you on the right path to enhanced wellness and health. Jeffrey Rose has been counseling his New York hypnosis clients on nutrition and health for decades. There are, of course, other nutrition counselors, but the way in which he is superior, is his ongoing research in becoming and staying up to date on the very latest in research on how to eat well to optimize health.
You have probably been subject to contradictory information on how to achieve optimum wellness and health. A good example of this is the mistaken advice to get in as much cardio as you can. Today, it is realized by those in the know that weight training and intensity of effort are the key to better physical health, and formerly espoused long hours of cardio can cause wear and tear, fail to build more muscle which is necessary for good physical health and an active metabolism, and even increase your appetite so that you eat more and are blocked from ever losing weight and getting trim.

In addition, his holistic approach to nutritional counseling is also a valuable reason to choose him. He will improve your total wellness by not just counseling about nutrition, but also counseling you about exercise and counseling you about sleep, taking you beyond others who limit themselves to just telling you what to eat and not eat! For example what one thing do most people do right before getting into bed, that is a major factor disrupting their ability to get a good night’s sleep?
In the field of nutritional counseling, there has been a similar plethora of contradictory advice from avoiding most fats {often without even properly differentiating the different types of fat} and promoting more carbohydrates. And when it comes to vitamin supplements there is similar confusion. For example did you know that some vitamin E is to be avoided, while the right kind is health promoting. There are better forms of Omega-3 Fish Oil, B12, Magnesium and Vitamin C, all of which you will learn when you make Jeffrey Rose your personal nutritional counselor and follow his valuable guidance. If you are seeking to find a nutrition counselor and advisor then you will make the best decision to choose Jeffrey to guide you and give you nutritional information.
Jeffrey Rose is a master nutritional advisor offering the best nutritional counseling because of his attention to detail, making his advice spot on, rather than out of focus and uninformed, and choosing him as your nutritional counselor will reward you greatly! If you are searching for a great nutrition coach you have come to the right website. Nutritionist, Jeffrey Rose knows all about this and as your nutritional counselor will properly guide you to the healthier, more vibrant life you desire for yourself. And note, eating properly and getting the proper nutrition for ultimate health is just as easy, with his guidance, as running down your condition with the misguided, and just outright wrong information out there with some other nutritional counselors, to mislead you even when you are making your best efforts to be healthy.
Nutritional Counseling
Nutritional Counseling by Jeffrey Rose will put you on the right path to enhanced wellness and health. Jeffrey Rose has been counseling his New York hypnosis clients on nutrition and health for decades. There are, of course, other nutrition counselors, but the way in which he is superior, is his ongoing research in becoming and staying up to date on the very latest in research on how to eat well to optimize health.
You have probably been subject to contradictory information on how to achieve optimum wellness and health. A good example of this is the mistaken advice to get in as much cardio as you can. Today, it is realized by those in the know that weight training and intensity of effort are the key to better physical health, and formerly espoused long hours of cardio can cause wear and tear, fail to build more muscle which is necessary for good physical health and an active metabolism, and even increase your appetite so that you eat more and are blocked from ever losing weight and getting trim.

In addition, his holistic approach to nutritional counseling is also a valuable reason to choose him. He will improve your total wellness by not just counseling about nutrition, but also counseling you about exercise and counseling you about sleep, taking you beyond others who limit themselves to just telling you what to eat and not eat! For example what one thing do most people do right before getting into bed, that is a major factor disrupting their ability to get a good night’s sleep?
In the field of nutritional counseling, there has been a similar plethora of contradictory advice from avoiding most fats {often without even properly differentiating the different types of fat} and promoting more carbohydrates. And when it comes to vitamin supplements there is similar confusion. For example did you know that some vitamin E is to be avoided, while the right kind is health promoting. There are better forms of Omega-3 Fish Oil, B12, Magnesium and Vitamin C, all of which you will learn when you make Jeffrey Rose your personal nutritional counselor and follow his valuable guidance. If you are seeking to find a nutrition counselor and advisor then you will make the best decision to choose Jeffrey to guide you and give you nutritional information.
Jeffrey Rose is a master nutritional advisor offering the best nutritional counseling because of his attention to detail, making his advice spot on, rather than out of focus and uninformed, and choosing him as your nutritional counselor will reward you greatly! If you are searching for a great nutrition coach you have come to the right website. Nutritionist, Jeffrey Rose knows all about this and as your nutritional counselor will properly guide you to the healthier, more vibrant life you desire for yourself. And note, eating properly and getting the proper nutrition for ultimate health is just as easy, with his guidance, as running down your condition with the misguided, and just outright wrong information out there with some other nutritional counselors, to mislead you even when you are making your best efforts to be healthy.
Hypnosis Session Protocol
As a part of our hypnosis session protocol, prior to your hypnosis session you will be asked to answer our Confidential Questionnaires. We ask you to fill these out in advance so that you and your hypnotist can be well prepared for your first hypnotherapy session. Gathering information with our Intake Form, Making Changes and our Primary Sensory Mode Test not only helps us prepare for a productive session, but is also of great value to you. As you respond to our questions, you will have a more thorough understanding of the challenge that you have been dealing with and can begin the process of change even before your appointment.
Your first hypnosis session will be for one hour and 45 minutes. A reinforcement session typically lasts an hour and any additional booster sessions desired will last forty-five minutes.
Upon your arrival, you will find a comfortable and professional office. (We provide special privacy arrangements for our celebrity clients, if requested.) You will begin your session promptly, with little or no wait time.
Call us at 212-585-4430 for more information about our programs or to schedule an appointment with our NYC hypnostist. Advanced hypnosis center also does online hypnotherapy for clients anywhere within the US.
Hypnosis Session Protocol
As a part of our hypnosis session protocol, prior to your hypnosis session you will be asked to answer our Confidential Questionnaires. We ask you to fill these out in advance so that you and your hypnotist can be well prepared for your first hypnotherapy session. Gathering information with our Intake Form, Making Changes and our Primary Sensory Mode Test not only helps us prepare for a productive session, but is also of great value to you. As you respond to our questions, you will have a more thorough understanding of the challenge that you have been dealing with and can begin the process of change even before your appointment.
Your first hypnosis session will be for one hour and 45 minutes. A reinforcement session typically lasts an hour and any additional booster sessions desired will last forty-five minutes.
Upon your arrival, you will find a comfortable and professional office. (We provide special privacy arrangements for our celebrity clients, if requested.) You will begin your session promptly, with little or no wait time.
Call us at 212-585-4430 for more information about our programs or to schedule an appointment with our NYC hypnostist. Advanced hypnosis center also does online hypnotherapy for clients anywhere within the US.
We take a holistic approach because we believe that body and mind are a unity that cannot be broken up into parts.
“Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us.”
Please call New York’s Advanced Hypnosis Center at 212-585-4430 and we will be happy to enroll you in our smoking cessation program in Upper East Side, Manhattan Hypnosis Center, so you can begin leading your new, healthier, smoke-free life as soon as possible.
We take a holistic approach because we believe that body and mind are a unity that cannot be broken up into parts.
“Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us.”
Please call New York’s Advanced Hypnosis Center at 212-585-4430 and we will be happy to enroll you in our smoking cessation program either in Upper East Side, Manhattan Hypnosis Center or in our Rockland County Hypnosis Center, so you can begin leading your new, healthier, smoke-free life as soon as possible.
Advanced Hypnosis Center
Advanced Hypnosis Center
1. What is hypnosis? Hypnosis is a heightened state of awareness where amazing changes can be made in the way a person thinks. Hypnosis is a completely natural path from conscious mind to subconscious mind. It can be defined as the bypass of the critical factor of the conscious mind and the establishment of acceptable selective thinking. Hypnosis is the process of going into the state of mind called a trance. Being in a trance is a very natural state of the mind which people experience regularly during their day to day life.
2. How does it work? Hypnosis relaxes the conscious mind and opens the subconscious mind to the point that suggestions can be accepted. Once the suggestion is accepted and agreed on by the client hypnotized, the suggestion then becomes rock solid, in that client’s belief system. Your New York City hypnotherapist has the skill to guide you into this state of mind and once you are in this state of mind your subconscious has the ability to incorporate new beliefs and ways to look at things. Then your conscious mind will be influenced to act upon these new thoughts within your subconscious mind.
3. Who can be hypnotized? Everyone can be hypnotized.
1. What is hypnosis? Hypnosis is a heightened state of awareness where amazing changes can be made in the way a person thinks. Hypnosis is a completely natural path from conscious mind to subconscious mind. It can be defined as the bypass of the critical factor of the conscious mind and the establishment of acceptable selective thinking. Hypnosis is the process of going into the state of mind called a trance. Being in a trance is a very natural state of the mind which people experience regularly during their day to day life.
2. How does it work? Hypnosis relaxes the conscious mind and opens the subconscious mind to the point that suggestions can be accepted. Once the suggestion is accepted and agreed on by the client hypnotized, the suggestion then becomes rock solid, in that client’s belief system. Your New York City hypnotherapist has the skill to guide you into this state of mind and once you are in this state of mind your subconscious has the ability to incorporate new beliefs and ways to look at things. Then your conscious mind will be influenced to act upon these new thoughts within your subconscious mind.
3. Who can be hypnotized? Everyone can be hypnotized.
Thanks for visiting our website. We look forward to helping you. Please fill in this form and give us a call at 212-585-4430.
Thanks for visiting our website. We look forward to helping you. Please fill in this form and give us a call at 212-585-4430.
We can conduct our hypnotherapy sessions in English or Spanish at the following locations:
- Upper East Side Hypnosis Center in Manhattan on Fifth Avenue
- Online from anywhere in the US. Via Zoom, Skype, Facetime